Monday, January 22, 2007

Day 8..woohoo..we are smokin now!

Ok.. so it must absolutely SUCK to be a photographer's child...but try as we might to get other people to model for us... well..they will not so our children are stuck! :-) Grabbed a couple of new hats and a new blanket this afternoon...


Anonymous said...

Sis.... tell the kids that Miss Margie said THANK you - Love these photos.. Great job!! M said...

So true so true!!! My son had a fieldtrip today and they were talking about early explorers and how one explorer was very lucky to have a camera but it was a huge ordeal to take the picture and such so he could only take 1-2 pictures a weel!! The guide was asking if any of their parents took more than 1-2 pictures and of course my son pipes up... "yeah only multiply that by about a thousand!!!" Poor kid!!

Denise said...

Great shots! I love the last one expecially!

Anna said...

Love, Love, LOVE that last one.

shell said...

The last twoe are great...but I'm in LOVE with that second one!

D Shoro said...

the second one really grabs one's attention! She is going to love the fact that you took all these beautiful photos of her when she is older, tell her that! yeah right!

Heidi Brand said...

The last one of your daughter is very striking!

Kayla Sullivan said...

Love those hats. I agree with your caption. I think my kids think the same.

Anonymous said...

Yep... love the last one... love them all actually.. but that last one... really really nice!