Friday, February 23, 2007

Life is running WILD!! :-) but check out an unexpected guest

Scared the mess out of Samantha... LOL I keep food out for the well as a couple of wild ones that seem to hang around all the time now...but I wasn't prepared for this guy... I kept my distance and let him/her go about their business :-)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ok.. so last night came and went...

and honestly I will resurface in a couple of weeks... I have 2 weeks to completely do the yearbook and get the 200 kids back their pics and shoot 150? more..... my house looks like a tornado has hit it... so I gotta step back and set some priorities... while I shall be on the computer far more than I should be... it will be to actually work!

be good and I shall be back soon... :-)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ok.. so I took pics yesterday..but will post them tonight.. :-)

as I spent all day rambling around.. had to get a replacement license for the one I lost... then had to run around to the banks.. then had to go to Sam's school..since I have 2 weeks to get this yearbook done... (ok..started and done..) thankfully it is only around 50 pages..not a monster one... this week is dedicated to the yearbook... I do have to go on a field trip tomorrow with my snuggle bunny Noah :-)

Oh..after reading a post yesterday on ILP... I am scared to post on there. We ALL know that I can't write worth a damn and I love to do this... more than anything I do love me some dot. dot. dots... anyways I read this thread on there yesterday.. Lord I would send them to the insane asylum? however that is spelled.. so I shall continue to lurk and not post.. he he

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Gorgeous day today! :-)

really pretty day today.. little cool but it feels great to be outside! Found my heart today :-) The kitty is Dude.... yes we call him Duuuuuuuddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... The bark is off of a river birch... one of my favorite trees... I love to lay out in the hammock and listen to the wind rustle thru the river birches...

I made the bark into a brush... :-)

Here are two more... I found this .. and for the life of me I can't tell if it is real or not... it is light but yet it isn't light.. it scratches glass... anyways.. I guess I will take it somewhere to see if it is real... I figure I will just look foolish when they look at me and go..hello there lady..this is plastic..

I didn't take a picture yesterday..

gasp! though I did play around with one I took the day before... I hit the bed and there was no way I was climbing back out of it... I really think I could get into playing with taking action shots... I have got to stay off of the computer today ...well I have to stay away from my usual places..have to work on the yearbook today... If I am a good girl and get most of it done then next week I can go and play with some more action shots... :-)

Friday, February 9, 2007

and yet another day.. (are we close to 30?)

Why is it you guys have to be all serious and stuff when you get your pictures made? I had 4 teams...only 3 got individual pics... :-) the older guys don't usually get pics... BUT...when I deliver these to the parents of these 3 next week... I am betting some of the other parents will be like.. darn...maybe I should have gotten pics? :-)

:-) OK..I am going to preface this with...I have never taken action shots... haven't ever really practiced but oh my..I think this could become addictive. Something very fun and relaxing to being behind the lens and it just being for me...not for anyone else... I had a nice time tonight...right up to the point I lost my keys... and well... hubby is in California ... no spare keys..thankfully I found them after an hour of searching... :-) some I shot tonight...

the fun continues :-)

actually had to crawl back out of bed last night..almost forgot...but here is a little less than half of the pics that I have to put on magnet material....

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

another day in paradise...

I am neck deep in pictures.... this is the fun part...putting it all together... notice the orange blur in the background.. that is tortie girl.. the wild one...

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Nice day for shooting.... but it is cold!!!!!!!!!!

I played with the Monet technique... fun....

Stopped off at the Lake on the way home... and this of course is Morgan with his Elvis shades... :-)

Monday, February 5, 2007

Another day...

just a quick shot of Piggy.... I am so tired I can't see straight....

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Took it...will post it tomorrow...

hopefully... these are some long days... I was too lazy to even get out my CF cards... there was a 8 MB card laying here... I had to switch my quality to medium... LOL anyways... will post it tomorrow when I get off of work... Work tomorrow probably means another picture of Morgan... lol

Nothing special... I just don't think Johnny Bravo should be with Scooby Doo..... just isn't right... :-)

Saturday, February 3, 2007

And here he is...for all you guys and gals that have

heard so much about him... Here without further Blaze! He wants a pic to put up on the town website... this was good for him.. :-) and I played a little bit with some action shots... go figure I am a sports photographer but have never played with action shots.. Me thinks me needs a new lens.... a big boy lens... yeah...that's it.... un huh...that's it....come to mama! :-)

Today... was the day.....

she got up this morning with a blown pupil... it was time... We all loved her... Mike is taking her... they will be good to her and they will love on her till the end...I know that...

Now I have to pull myself together to go and shoot a basketball team. Thank God it is only one today...

It was like she knew....... life really sucks sometimes....

Friday, February 2, 2007

Today was not THE day...

and for that I am almost giddy!! We were thinking that we were going to have to put my cat down today... but it is not the day... she has cancer so I know the day is coming...but not yet... :-)

Ok.. Jaxy baby...this is for you... the tutu.... I have someone wanting glamour shots in the next couple of weeks so I am just playing with the lighting... anyways... that and I finally got rid of the old hair color and brought in the new this morning.... I have had a busy day haven't I?

Ok.... Betty.... here is the one with the kisses... you know I am sure Jaxy baby will like this better..... LOL (and she needs to tell me what you have done for her!)

THis is for my sis... I had to stop eating them so I could do this! lol yummy!!! :-)

Thursday, February 1, 2007

2-1-07 I went a little crazy with pics today... some of Noah playing in the snow we got this morning, Sis the leaf one is for you... and does anyone want to claim the angel wings that have fallen off? I know I lose mine occasionally :-)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Oh.. I was tagged.... he he

Soooo... I am supposed to tell you 6 strange things about me. Thanks Jaxy Baby and Beth.... :-)

1) I still think I am 18... the mirror tells me different but my mind tries to convince me that I still am young.
2) I absolutely love my job.. I am so happy when I am there... and I feel very blessed to feel that way.
3) I am a huge procrastinator, until the very, very, very last second!
4) I get lost almost every where I go...if you want to be on time...don't let me drive unless it is somewhere I have already been....several times.
5) I cry at lots of stuff on tv/movies... commercials.. my family thinks it is very funny to look and see if I am crying....(that is quite rude of them isn't it? )
6) I am a great person to tell a secret to... why? because for some odd reason I forget it until I see you again....

so now...who do I tag? hmmmmmmm

What day is this????

Ok... I am fairly certain that this isn't on my list of what I should be eating..... unless someone wants to lie to me and tell me it is low calorie!

And of course another steeple.. this was shot with 3200 the thing will be to remember to take it off of that... but I am not too bad about forgetting stuff like that... we will not go into the fact that I just drove right into the church's front yard to get the pic...(WHAT??? I couldn't get it from the parking lot..without getting out of the car...and it is COLD!) he he

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Day 16

Ok.. most people run from the camera... not Morgan... he is a good sport... and even though his chin is clipped in this one.. I like it...
and you thought I was kidding when I said he was our mascot? I have some more...will post them tomorrow... I am too lazy tonight....

Monday, January 29, 2007

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Day 14... I never said I was

smart... thank you to those whom pointed out that I can't count.. or I like the number 11 a lot!

:-) he he

in that case we are almost half way there!

oh and pooey on you guys that were just going to let me continue to look stupid!!

ha ha

Day 13.... a day at work

13.... usually a very lucky number for me.... anyone else? It was snowing on the way home... just a few flakes. Why does it always make me so happy to see snow? I had to roll the window down so I could feel the flakes hitting my hand.... just makes smile....

This first shot just grabbed me.... it is a little soft, I didn't have my tripod but I love looking at church steeples at night... or in a sunrise or sunset... just like them...

Here are my shots for today... a little glimpse from work.. THat is the board that we use when we delegate... big word for me...delegate the work... we call it being board bitch... :-) has really helped the department with the work flow and such...we are probably doing double the work during the day than before the invention of the board.... and don't ask what Morgan is wearing...I am not sure myself... all I can say is he isn't from NC...

We have a smile board at work, where we post our pictures of things that make us smile... Can you tell who is the photographer? Everyone else brings all these little pics... I am a board hog with all of my 5x7's... I try to be nice and put them on the outside of the board.... I can't help it...I have beautiful kids and I love to look at them while I am work.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Day 12 I do believe

busy day...took the kids to the mall, spent the day there... this is my quick pic of the day.... I wonder do I even remember what my real hair color is? this way is much funner though.. you can always change it up :-)

anyways..this is the new color for a while... especially for Sis...this was her idea for my pic for the day....

Friday, January 26, 2007

Day 11.... I am going for a about you?

short and sweet tonight... this is my new puter...or my in between computer... thinking about the Mac for my "real" computer....(sorry my buddy that is in Vegas winning all the money... :-)
by the way.. I hope you ARE winning BIG this week!