Friday, February 23, 2007
Life is running WILD!! :-) but check out an unexpected guest
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Ok.. so last night came and went...
be good and I shall be back soon... :-)
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Ok.. so I took pics yesterday..but will post them tonight.. :-)
Oh..after reading a post yesterday on ILP... I am scared to post on there. We ALL know that I can't write worth a damn and I love to do this... more than anything I do love me some dot. dot. dots... anyways I read this thread on there yesterday.. Lord I would send them to the insane asylum? however that is spelled.. so I shall continue to lurk and not post.. he he
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Gorgeous day today! :-)
Here are two more... I found this .. and for the life of me I can't tell if it is real or not... it is light but yet it isn't light.. it scratches glass... anyways.. I guess I will take it somewhere to see if it is real... I figure I will just look foolish when they look at me and go..hello there lady..this is plastic..
I didn't take a picture yesterday..
Friday, February 9, 2007
and yet another day.. (are we close to 30?)
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
another day in paradise...
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Monday, February 5, 2007
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Took it...will post it tomorrow...
Saturday, February 3, 2007
And here he is...for all you guys and gals that have
Today... was the day.....
Now I have to pull myself together to go and shoot a basketball team. Thank God it is only one today...
It was like she knew....... life really sucks sometimes....
Friday, February 2, 2007
Today was not THE day...
Ok.... Betty.... here is the one with the kisses... you know I am sure Jaxy baby will like this better..... LOL (and she needs to tell me what you have done for her!)
THis is for my sis... I had to stop eating them so I could do this! lol yummy!!! :-)
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Oh.. I was tagged.... he he
1) I still think I am 18... the mirror tells me different but my mind tries to convince me that I still am young.
2) I absolutely love my job.. I am so happy when I am there... and I feel very blessed to feel that way.
3) I am a huge procrastinator, until the very, very, very last second!
4) I get lost almost every where I go...if you want to be on time...don't let me drive unless it is somewhere I have already been....several times.
5) I cry at lots of stuff on tv/movies... commercials.. my family thinks it is very funny to look and see if I am crying....(that is quite rude of them isn't it? )
6) I am a great person to tell a secret to... why? because for some odd reason I forget it until I see you again....
so now...who do I tag? hmmmmmmm
What day is this????
And of course another steeple.. this was shot with 3200 the thing will be to remember to take it off of that... but I am not too bad about forgetting stuff like that... we will not go into the fact that I just drove right into the church's front yard to get the pic...(WHAT??? I couldn't get it from the parking lot..without getting out of the car...and it is COLD!) he he
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Day 16
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Day 14... I never said I was
:-) he he
in that case we are almost half way there!
oh and pooey on you guys that were just going to let me continue to look stupid!!
ha ha